Many Americans work at a frantic pace to take care of their families and loved ones. The economy appears to have bounced back with a vengeance and last month alone we had the most jobs created since the founding of America. Conversely, we still have a great deal of companies in the United States that hire and employ undocumented workers.  

United Veterans Construction and Landscape Solutions, Inc., (UVETS), continues to not hire undocumented workers and each candidate goes through E-Verify. We do so because we want to level the playing field, and because “the law prohibits hiring illegal aliens”. Concurrently, by complying with laws of the United States we have been hurt financially for “doing the right thing”. On the other hand, we will never resort to hiring undocumented workers, compromising our integrity and contributing to the negligent and criminal practices that take place daily by construction and landscape organizations. By being involved in this industry and knowing key players in our community we “bid on proposals” against these poorly run organizations. Naturally, clients want to save money, however, they are hurting our great Nation by not holding these companies accountable for their actions.

Current research indicates that over “70 percent” of construction and landscape organizations “undercut” companies that are accounting for the higher labor rates to ensure work is given to Americans and/or people that provide legal documentation. Moreover, “82 percent” of illegal aliens use fraudulent documents to show proof of citizenship. Concurrently, $190 billion dollars are spent annually on undocumented workers. This number is staggering, as the United States has a homeless problem, the elderly is not being properly cared for and our war-fighters and Veterans are dying at an astronomical rate. On the other hand, these funds should be allocated to more cancer research and stop-gap measures affecting our children.

I write this to illustrate that people and organizations should be held accountable and prosecuted should companies not comply with the law. UVETS is predicated on fair labor and hiring practices, being legally compliant and if certain organizations do not uphold the law they will be reported to ICE. As an organization that is filled with honorable, noble and upstanding citizens of society, we will take a proactive approach to expose these companies. For those that have the strength, the fortitude and honor of “doing what is right’, I salute and support you! God Bless America————————————Dr. Suissa, LSSMBB